Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh my aching back.

I have had to take Ibuprofen for the last 2 days. Sore old bones.  Today I finished painting the Living Room. 
I put the switch plate back up on the wall.  I want to find some more older ones for this room and paint them myself. 

We want to get the hall done before we start the floors.  Jeff bondoed... the piece he fitted for the crack in the wall. 
After he gets that sanded we can get that wall done.  Part of it is in the Living Room.  I want the floor to be the last thing in there so it doesn't get messed up. 
Jeff worked outside alot today.  Cleaned up the junk pile, put stuff out to the street (freebies) and called Wayne's World in Loudon to come pick up the old fridge.  Hope he can find the house.  
He went around outside and inspected, took down spider webs and eggs and did some other stuff. 
He got the cabinet and counter mocked up to be secured.  Had to do a build up just like on the other cabinets. 
Cleaned up and called it a day.
Till next time.