Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lights and Paint

Well, today was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining, high 50's, spring is near.  Perfect time to put up more color!  Then you need the light to see it.  That is what we did today.  Jeff put in the 2 kitchen lights.
The spot is on the lens, not the ceiling. Will blow it out again to see if that cleans it...

We changed the direction that this light was mounted.  We are putting an island in and want it to be over that, so we had to change it up a bit.  No problem, thanks hon. 

This is the light over the sink.  When he took out the old one, the wires had shorted out on the housing of the old light and got hot.  There was some burned stuff up there...he fixed it.  

The thing hanging is my little Hobby Lobby 50% off find from our little journey yesterday.  I had to get a Shadow Box for a project and came across the cutest indoor wind chime.  It had teapots, spoons, coffee pots.  Ceramic pots, metal spoons.  It is perfect for the look I am going for. 
I was so excited over the most stupid thing...I know.  But it is cute in person. 
While Jeff was doing the lights, I was painting the living room. 
I love the color.  We are picking all our paints from the mistake paints at the stores to save money.  This is an eggshell finish and looks good on the walls. 
After Jeff finished his lights, he started to fix the crack/hole in the wall.  

He took out the broken piece and made a new one from some scrap panel he found.   As I mentioned before, most of the walls are paneling painted over.  He even made the lines line up. :-D  
Tuesday I will do the second coat on the living room.  Just a little bit of work cleaning up the floor and we can start on the floors in the kitchen and living room.  
Gonna go now. 

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