Thursday, March 25, 2010

The floor is down.

Jeffrey worked his butt off, not really his butt, more like his knees....getting this done.  Like I said I was just the gopher and tapper.  It took 3 days to do this.  Just need to put the quarter round on then we can move on to the family room.  No more floor laying for us!  Carpet the rest of the house.
We are taking today off.
Till we meet again....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where's the pencil??? Tape Measure??? Spacer???

So we have been working on the floors....

We have been there for 2 straight days and are going back today.  Will get the quarter round today and will be ready to put it in hopefully tonight.....
Jeff has worked his butt off getting this in.  I am the tapper and gopher.  It is too hard for me to get down on my knees so I don't.
Till next time.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Gutterly happy.

Haven't posted in a few so here is some new stuff:  Jeff put the Luaun in the front room.

Jeff wired in for the dishwasher so that is done and ready for an appliance.

I got the trim in the kitchen caulked, just needs that final coat to cover up the brads. 

Today, Jeff guttered the back of the house.  He did 3- 16' pieces and 1- 10' piece.  Total was 53' that he ended up using.  He put up the downspouts after putting up the gutters.  He did a really good job. 

So we are happy to have this done so the back doors stay dry.  There was some seepage from there being no gutters up, so this should fix the problem. 
While Jeff was doing that, I was inside.  I moved all the flooring out of the front room and into the kitchen.  We will start in the front room and work our way back to the back door in the dining room and kitchen. 
I also pulled up all the carpet and padding in the family room to start the prep work in there since that will be our next room.  I took all the switch plates and outlet covers off then hammered in some of the old anchors to sit flush with the walls.  Took down the broken blinds in there and put some baking soda down on some damp spot on the floor I found after pulling up the carpet. 

This wall will be dark brown.  It is the backdrop for the bar area. 

This wall will be a pumpkin-ish color???  Haven't found one yet.  

This wall will be a taupe-ish color.  Got the paint in the mis-tinted lots.  About $5 a gallon for good paint.  The guy also gave me a bunch of stain so all the wood baseboards, window and door trim will be stained and not painted. 

I found a little something at Hobby Lobby yesterday...$5
It fits my French Cuisine look...

Love it. 
I had to clean up the family room to get the carpet up and put all the paint in our room for now...
We have not used all this yet but quite a bit of it. 

After Bekah gets here, we will start on this project: the Kitchen Island.  Here are some pics.  We have got some work....
It will give me so much more space.  I love it. 
Ok, it is late and been a long day and I know someone who shall remain nameless is chomping at the bit right now....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Holy Cow!

Today I was doing something and Jeff walks by and says there's a cow in the backyard.  Well, I know there are some out past the backyard, but sure enough somehow one young one got through the fence somewhere and it was actually in the yard.  It went in front of our shed and under the next door neighbors shed.
It went under in the back part where it is raised.  That explains why when I went out in the yard a few days ago I saw a big pile of poop.  Jeff thought it was a bear's...we didn't really think so but we did not know.  We do now!

We have done a few more things since the last time.  Got the trim divider up between the front room and dining room.  Just need to touch it up.  Got all my switch plates and outlet covers done in the front room too.
Lens is still messed up....

Jeff finished the kitchen counter top and got that attached and we put the trim up to cover that bare spot that was left after we changed the counters.
 That outlet cover has been changed too.

We had prepped the hall walls and doors and they got painted today too. 

We picked Country White because the hall seems to be pretty dark, didn't want to go with any fru-fru light color so white works. 

I also hung the picture that was the inspiration for the bathroom colors in there. 
I dropped the original frame and it broke so I found this one at Victoria's Antique Mall on Broadway in LC.  Got a few things there...nice place.  This had a Norman Rockwell pic in there and I swapped it out.  Not bad for $4.99 :-)
I have had the print since Bolingbrook days, but I love the colors. 
I vacuumed the floors too so we did get a lot accomplished.  We had picked up the new subfloor on Thursday so that is there ready to be put in.  Not long, just a few minor things and then we can start on those floors.
Good night.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh my aching back.

I have had to take Ibuprofen for the last 2 days. Sore old bones.  Today I finished painting the Living Room. 
I put the switch plate back up on the wall.  I want to find some more older ones for this room and paint them myself. 

We want to get the hall done before we start the floors.  Jeff bondoed... the piece he fitted for the crack in the wall. 
After he gets that sanded we can get that wall done.  Part of it is in the Living Room.  I want the floor to be the last thing in there so it doesn't get messed up. 
Jeff worked outside alot today.  Cleaned up the junk pile, put stuff out to the street (freebies) and called Wayne's World in Loudon to come pick up the old fridge.  Hope he can find the house.  
He went around outside and inspected, took down spider webs and eggs and did some other stuff. 
He got the cabinet and counter mocked up to be secured.  Had to do a build up just like on the other cabinets. 
Cleaned up and called it a day.
Till next time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lights and Paint

Well, today was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining, high 50's, spring is near.  Perfect time to put up more color!  Then you need the light to see it.  That is what we did today.  Jeff put in the 2 kitchen lights.
The spot is on the lens, not the ceiling. Will blow it out again to see if that cleans it...

We changed the direction that this light was mounted.  We are putting an island in and want it to be over that, so we had to change it up a bit.  No problem, thanks hon. 

This is the light over the sink.  When he took out the old one, the wires had shorted out on the housing of the old light and got hot.  There was some burned stuff up there...he fixed it.  

The thing hanging is my little Hobby Lobby 50% off find from our little journey yesterday.  I had to get a Shadow Box for a project and came across the cutest indoor wind chime.  It had teapots, spoons, coffee pots.  Ceramic pots, metal spoons.  It is perfect for the look I am going for. 
I was so excited over the most stupid thing...I know.  But it is cute in person. 
While Jeff was doing the lights, I was painting the living room. 
I love the color.  We are picking all our paints from the mistake paints at the stores to save money.  This is an eggshell finish and looks good on the walls. 
After Jeff finished his lights, he started to fix the crack/hole in the wall.  

He took out the broken piece and made a new one from some scrap panel he found.   As I mentioned before, most of the walls are paneling painted over.  He even made the lines line up. :-D  
Tuesday I will do the second coat on the living room.  Just a little bit of work cleaning up the floor and we can start on the floors in the kitchen and living room.  
Gonna go now. 