Tuesday, May 4, 2010

El Cuarto Ultimo.

Jeff went over to the house yesterday.  He had taken all the paneling off the walls and took it to the dump.  He bought the drywall yesterday and started on that for the last room of the house to be done, other than carpet.  Here is a before pic:
It has textured wallpaper on the walls so we are just taking those out and putting in drywall.
Here are some pics he took yesterday.
That drywall just fit in the car.  He bought 10 sheets.
He also figured out that the house used to have individual electric heaters in each room.  See that patch there?  It was where the unit was housed.  There is one in each room we have done so far, but until he took the paneling off did not know what it was.  You can see the old wire in the wall where it was hooked up.  It is the black one there with the red cap on the end. 
Here is the first one he got up.  
He had other things to do over there, so this is how far he got.  Great work honey!  So he left and on his way home down by a creek on the way out he saw.....
dead in the middle of the road. This is not a worm.  It was a big snake.  Jeff said about 4 ft. long.   It was a couple miles from the house, so I am not worried.  I think. 
I am so glad he stopped and got a pic.  
That is all we have for now.  Till next time....

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