Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh my aching back.

Today I finished the cabinets!!!!  I had to make some shelf supports so I got that done.  Then I took the border off.  After that I scraped the walls, washed them and, spackled and sanded them too.   Taped off the cabintes and ready for paint!
I wanted to do something fun so.....

The floor will cover it up. 
Jeff got his walls done in the bathroom and that is ready for paint too.  He cut and painted all the trim so that is ready too.  
We got 8 hours in today, so it was a good day.  We are going back tomorrow because we skipped a day yesterday so we would be there today when a roof company was supposed to come, but, no show.  Maybe it was from the snow?????

Till tomorrow.

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