We got our new roof today. Adams Roofing in Loudon did a great job and I would recommend them for your roofing needs. They pulled up at 8:30 and they were done by 11:30. It cost $3430.00. You do the math. The good news is we will get back 30% of the actual cost of the roof, thank you President Obama! The actual material cost was $2000.00, so we are getting just under $600.00 back. We will also be getting that credit for our new door and if we put more insulation in that qualifies also.
While the roof was being installed, Jeff and I were inside pulling up the old carpet in the front room and the hall.
We have to get new plywood for the front room to raise it 1/4" to meet up with the kitchen sub-floor so our new floor will sit even.
We got all that up, pulled staples and loose nails up to clean up that floor. It was nasty. Jeff sprinkled baking soda on there before we left to absorb any moisture and odors.
Jeff also finished putting up his quarter round in the bathroom.
(You will have to excuse the spot on the lense. I have cleaned it, will see if that works.)
It was time to go get Tom, so we loaded up all that carpet and padding and took it to the landfill. First and last time for me...P.U.
I stayed in the car...
Goodbye landfill. Thank God!
We did stop to take a couple of nice pics of the mountains with all the snow on top, it was such a pretty day but still cold.
So it was a very productive day. Took 2 Tylenol and getting this up, then cooking dinner then relax!