Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Counters? No problem....

So we needed a fix to our counter top problem.  Found http://cabinetconceptsmaryvilletn.com/ Don Clampet. 
We had to go to Sweetwater to get them and take them to Don.  On the way we saw:

That's right, you guessed it, the General Lee!  Boy were we excited.  Mostly Jeff, but me too.  We first saw him in LC and thought we would lose him, but yep, I caught up.... :-)  Being the photographer I am, got some pics and yes I was driving down 75 at the same time....lol.  Tommie do not try this!
We got the counters and took them to Don and this is how they should look!

For $50.00 he mitered them, cut an edge on one and routered out the spots for the bolts to go underneath!
Woulda, shoulda, coulda....
Till next time folks!


  1. Yike, another home remodeling project. Like are you trying to rival your cousin or what? Hmmmmmmm, the comments on your facebook about get the tylenol ready.....I'm sure by now you realize the extra, extra strength won't be strong enough. Glad to see you are going to keep us all up to date on your progress.
    Luv, Aunt Karen

  2. Super Duper Tylenol won't be enough so I have some muscle relaxers on standby...
    We are giving ourselves a 30 day limit. That is not 30 consecutive days because we don't go every day. We will see how that works. We have until July so we should be ok. Our remodeling isn't as hard as Jeff's, I feel for him. Our is cosmetic fortunately! Thanks for following our progress!!!
    Luv ya back!
