Monday, January 18, 2010


So today we worked on the countertops first. We moved the fridge and got that cleaned out behind there. 
This is what the counters look like:

This one was fairly easy.  Just some straightening needed on the side.  The long corner counter is another story.  We did all kinds of research on how to cut the miter and thought we could do it.  We got new blades for the saws, got a router at the pawn shop for the edge and a $20 bit for that.  Don't try this at home folks.  To make a longgggg story short, we are now looking for a cabinet/counter shop to do the cuts for us.

This was our workstation.  LOL.  It did the job though.
After we gave up on that Jeff went back into the bathroom and got the mirror down, the vanity moved (which was not easy because he had to modify the bottom of the vanity), and did some other stuff in there.  Meanwhile, I pulled up the rest of the 1/4 round and cut out some more trim so the floor can go under that.  There is a newer subfloor and under that is the old linoleum and the old subfloor....oh well.
Cleaned up and called it a day after about 8 1/2 hours. 
Only 4 Tylenol today....
See ya!

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