Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tom's room

We have finished painting Tom's room.  I wanted him to see the pics and he said he really didn't care since he won't live there very long, if at all....:-((((((  He starts IIT on August 23 and will be on vaca the last week of July so he is right.  But I will still be sad...  Anyway here are those pics. 

I like the color combo.  It is still wet in these pics, so will dry just a bit different.  We can now start the prep work for our room.  I hate that part.  The painting I can handle, the prep work stinks!
Only 2 rooms to go.  Thank God!

A couple spare pics too...His new shirt and the shadow box I made him.  Have 1 more chevron to add that he got last week and then it is done. 
Till next time...<3

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