Friday, April 16, 2010


So the eggplant did not go well...

 So we are going to have to put more paint on this wall.  Went to Ace today and got a color called "Mink".
It is a very dark brown.  

I will do that Sunday.  Hopefully this will do it.  It is a good quality paint.  I also found a blue for the master bedroom.  Maybe use it for the kitchen island and my china cabinet and hutch also...we'll see.

We have moved into Tom's room for the time being.  Had to tear the paper off the walls to make room for all the people in the
We also sanded and spackled in here. 
This will be the main color of the room.  May add an accent color on one wall.  

Jeff comes up with the most unusual contraptions sometimes.  Here is one of them.

They always work.  He likes duct tape.  :-)

The flowers are starting to bloom.  I have these beautiful iris in the back.  In the fall I will move some to the front, it is bare.  

That's it for now!

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