Monday, January 30, 2017

Updated Spare Room

Time for a paint job...



The color is much softer. It is Medici Gray by Glidden. I am usually a Behr kinda gal but didn't want to drive a half hour for paint 😊😊😊 Jeff only had to do one coat on the walls but the ceiling he had to do 2.  Looks fantastic!! Thanks for painting me a "she shed" honey 💕 I still have to put pics on the wall but you get the idea. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

About done!!!

Well folks, we have finally got most of it done. 

Have to stage one more room.....
Could use some help here lol...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Still at it......

This side of the house was rotting at the base.  It needed to be replaced. 
Summer of 2012 Jeff took the deck off (see older post). He took off the existing siding and eliminated the light.  

The insulation was fine.
 He then put up tar paper (it is used here for wrap). 
 All the measuring done on site :-)

Now just waiting for it to warm up to get it painted and re-trimmed. He is also removing the door and putting a wall there.  As soon as the funding is in place :-) 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Deck demo

The side deck was rotting the house so it had to be removed.  Jeff did that yesterday and patched up where the rot is.  Eventually we are getting all new siding. 

Safety comes first.

Safety issues warranted a rail being constructed so I could get in and out of the house.  Jeff did it all in a couple days for only $17 material!  He is so handy, I am so lucky. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Shed.

Got a bit sidetracked on the shed when the heat pump went out, but here is the progress.  Looking great!

Needs paint, door latches, vents and some minor stuff still.  

Here is the old and new heat pump...


Shiny and new :-). 

Will keep updating as the work progresses.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The walls come crumbling down.

The shed Had To Go!  It was already falling apart so the job was done.  Jeff and a friend of his took the rest of it down and hauled it off to scrap for some dough.  They got quite a bit. 

Then the land had to be cleared around it. 

Had to burn the brush and my old KITCHEN TABLE that fell off the load when we moved here last year.  If you look real close you can see a leg.  

Jeff bought plans online for an 8 x8 wood shed and is working off that.

He is now starting on the roof.  He went to get the lumber for that this morning.

 Luckily, the Building Supply Store is right outside the subdivision so it is not a far ride with the big pieces hanging out the back of the Mountaineer.   Looking good hon!
Will keep you posted on his progress.